I know something about Apple
Back in 2018, I completed my Apple Teacher accreditation. This course included quizzing my knowledge on Apple’s popular applications including Pages, Keynote and Garage Band for both Mac and iPad. I really enjoyed the process and picked up some tips and tricks, showing a plethora of possibilities for using Macs and iPads in the classroom.

I thought that the teacher guides available within the learning portal were incredibly comprehensive and extensive. They provide great ideas and lesson plans that will be useful for our teachers in the classroom as usage of our Apple infrastructure advances. I’d definitely suggest anyone in education to give it a go even if you’ve been using Apple equipment for a while. You can sign up for this free professional learning programme by visiting Apple’s Educator website
As an extension to the training of knowledge and ways of working, there was an option for me to take part in a section specifically relating to Swift, primarily revolving around swift playgrounds. Although I have experience of ‘Code’ from dabbling here and there, i’d never really set foot in the swift playgrounds app. All I can say is WOW. What a powerful teaching resource that ANYBODY could walk through and learn about. Once again, the material relating to the subject was incredible and helped me to learn a brand new skill in a Coding Language that is growing in popularity day by day.

I may not be a teacher in the classroom but I hope that using my new skills and fancy badges I can improve others’ knowledge of Apple Software and how it can be used in the classroom to provide a fantastic and fun learning experience.
We’re honored to recognize you as an Apple Teacher. It’s great to have you with us on this learning journey.
Check out my fancy new badges!